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Handouts for Your Practice: InfoGraphics, Links, and Printables
TOPFA by the numbers: learn the statistics.(Infographic)
Stages of decision-making: learn how families decide to end a wanted pregnancy. Adapted from McCoyd's (2007) research. (Infographic)
Important information about how and why TOPFA grief is unique and different than other kinds of babyloss. (Printable)
What do birthing people need? Where to begin, informed by McCoyd's (2009) research. (Infographic)
Principles of informed consent and TOPFA. (Infographic).
Scholarly references utilized on this website to create content, and a few other useful studies.
For mental health clinicians, here is an infographic of Dr. E's ACCEPT model for TOPFA psychotherapy. Click here to see her talk about this approach.
Our friends at Ending a Wanted Pregnancy have compiled a list of practical resources for TOPFA patients as well as psychotherapy providers by state. Please click on the appropriate link to access them.
Finding an abortion provider, insurance queries, and practical information
List of psychotherapy groups and individual providers by state for TOPFA patients
Self-help articles written by Dr. E and housed at the Center for Growth website provide some useful tips for coping with babyloss.Click on the title above, which is hyper-linked.
TFMR support pamphlet by the TFMR doula for parents experiencing a TFMR
Source: McCoyd, 2008
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